I’ve always been interested in blue things in nature. I love them so much, and it’s not just because I’m a nerd for the Internet or a surfer guy. Not only do blue things make everything look better, but they are also very important to our species’ survival.

I’ll write these things down and put them in a list that you can look at. Nature is amazing because it gives us so many beautiful and colourful things to look at.

Here is our list of things in nature that are blue.
There are many beautiful blue things in nature, like flowers, animals, and places. We’ve put them all on this list. People usually think of blue as a very peaceful and calming colour, so being around blue things can be very relaxing. We hope you find what you’re looking for and find our list of things that are naturally blue helpful!

Here is a picture list of things in nature that are blue.

I’ve always been interested in things in nature. I love them so much, and it’s not just because I’m a nerd for the Internet or a surfer guy. Not only do blue things make everything look better, but they are also very important to our species’ survival.

I’ll write these things down and put them in a list that you can look at. Nature is amazing because it gives us so many beautiful and colourful things to look at.

Popular Blue Things

People think that is a very peaceful and calming colour. Living in a

place and looking at blue things often can be good for our mental health. But blue is the rarest colour to be found in nature, but if we look deep enough, we can find a lot of blue things.

There are flowers, animals, and fruits that are blue, and one of our organs. In this blog post, we’ve put together a lot of blue things that happen in nature.

We hope that looking at the things we talked about in this article will make you feel calm.

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Balloon flower

Balloon flower

People who grow and study plants have called Platycodon grandiflorus the balloon flower or the leopard plant. This wildflower grows year after year and is from China, Japan, Korea, and Mongolia.

Blue Spirulina

Blue Spirulina

Spirulina is made up of cyanobacteria, and both people and animals can eat it. Some spirulina may be good for the health of cells, which could help endurance performance.

Blue Corn

Blue Corn

corn is a sweet, tasty grain that tastes rich and a little bit nutty. It hasn’t been changed genetically, so it’s a great gluten-free alternative to yellow corn, which is used to make things like couscous, chips, and cornbread.

corn has more protein than yellow corn and is often ground into flour to use in tortillas and other baked goods.

Blue Caviar


Things That Are Blue

caviar is a rare and expensive treat that can only be bought in the three months before Christmas.

This edible gemstone roe comes from hand-picked, hand-harvested, and hand-sorted wild scampi. Add it to your seafood platter for a taste experience you’ll never forget.

Fish Lingcod

Lingcod Fish in deepsea - growinggem.com

Lingcod is a well-liked fish with firm, white meat. Foodies like it because it tastes good and is sweet. The fish is also very popular among gourmets in Asia and Europe, where it sells well because of how good it tastes.

Blue cheese

Things That Are blue

This can be done by making a place where the mould can grow and then adding it to the curds after the whey has been drained from them.

Because of these spores, the cheese that comes out of it often has blue or green spots or veins that you can see.

Grapes of Concord

Grapes of Concord-growinggem.com

Concord grapes are a type of Vitis labrusca, which is the family of grapes that includes most wild grapes and garden vines that grow in the wild. Concord grapes do well in cool climates and can be picked in late summer. Most of the time, they are used to make wine, juice, and jellies.

Blue Eyes

Blue Eyes-growinggem.com

Most people with blue eyes or eyes that are a mix of shades. This includes like sky, cobalt, and deep sapphire. Eyes usually have different shades, with the darkest colour in the middle of the iris.



Blueberries are native to the northern parts of North America and Eurasia. They are also known as bilberries, huckleberries, and whortleberries. Blueberry plants (Vaccinium spp.) are small and bushy, and their leaves are simple and grow in pairs.


Things That Are Blue

Uranus is a gas giant with a diameter about four times that of Earth. It is one of only a few planets in our Solar System with rings made of ice and dust instead of rocks, like Saturn and Jupiter.


Things that Are Blue

The sky is blue because the visible nitrogen, oxygen, and water vapour in the air scatter light, making it look that way. Before it gets to earth, light from the sun goes through a long path of our atmosphere. So it bounces around a lot more than most people realise.


Even though it might not be the first thing that comes to mind, I think it’s the most popular blue thing in the world. It is home to billions of people and holds tens of billions of different feelings and stories.

Before the famous “blue marble” picture was taken, people didn’t really know what colour the earth was.

But after the Apollo 17 team took a picture, it was clear that is the most common colour on Earth.

Jersey for the Dallas Mavericks

The Dallas Mavericks are a basketball team that won an NBA title. Mark Cuban is the one who owns it. Dirk Nowitzki, who is a legend, played for this team.

Luka Doncic is their best player right now. No one would be surprised if they won another championship in the years to come.

Jellyfish in blue

Jellyfish in blue

Blue jellyfish are a type of jellyfish that can only be found in Hawaii. These beautiful creatures look very different from each other and are easy to spot in the water around Maui.



Oreos in space against a light background. In fact, the Oreo is black on the inside. That makes it a black biscuit.

But the box it comes in is blue. So, when people are asked to name a blue thing, Oreo is often one of the first things that come to mind.

Things in nature that are light blue

Who doesn’t love things that are light? Well, unless you can’t see colours or something, you should be able to see that they help nature in some pretty cool ways. Let’s jump into this cute, soft colour.



The oceans are actually colourless. To put it another way, water is colourless. The sky gives our water its colour. The colour of space is the colour of the sky. But this doesn’t change the fact that when we say “blue,” we think of the oceans.

Gas flames

Gas flames

A blue flame is supposed to mean that all of the products of combustion are leaving the burner and that no other gases are coming out. This usually means that the whole thing is burning up. But this can also change depending on things like how turbulent the flame is, how dirty the burners are, and how well the mixture is mixed.


Aster flower image in nature-growinggem.com

One flower you can give to other people is an aster flower. Asters come in many different colours, sizes, and shapes, so you can use them to match your decor and look.

Ulysses Butterfly

Ulysses Butterfly

Papilio ulysses is a butterfly that is part of the large swallowtail family. If you’re wondering what’s so special about this butterfly and what it has in common with another big genus in the same family (butterflies), you’ll soon find out.

The Mountain Bluebird

Mountain Bluebird

The mountain bluebird is one of my favourite birds because of how it looks and acts. These elusive birds live in mountainous areas at high elevations, where they can be seen eating alpine flower blossoms and insects.

Indigo Milk Cap

Indigo Milk Cap

Lactarius indigo, which is another name for Indigo milk cap, is a white fungus. It can be recognised by its blue cap, which changes colour as it grows up. The milky colour comes from spores that have been changed so that they contain indigo-dye, which is made by the mycelium of “Indigo milk cappings.”

Things in dark blue

The mineral haupt gold, which is a form of gold that is almost black, is dark blue in colour.

It’s also a colour that reminds people of open space and water, which makes it appealing to people who live in cities.

We know for sure that some parts of the ocean are blue, so that part of the colour description is still true.

Fighting fish from Siam

Fighting fish from Siam-growinggem.com

The Betta splendens is another name for the Siamese fighting fish. Because they are hardy, they are one of the most popular aquarium fish kept in homes around the world.

These small freshwater fish are no longer considered rare or endangered. More and more people are keeping them as pets because their bright colours and interesting behaviours make them fun to watch.

The Betta splendens is one of the few Southeast Asian freshwater species whose native range goes all the way to India, where it can live in a wider range of water conditions than other species.

Lapis lazuli

Things That Are Blue

Lapis lazuli is a semiprecious stone from Afghanistan that is a very dark blue colour. It is often found in places like Pakistan and Mexico, among other places.



The Linckia laevigata starfish’s body is easy to describe. It has five arms, with the first one being longer than the rest. Its body is brown and about 5 centimetres long. Its shape is very different from anything else, which keeps it from being eaten.

Blue dart frog

Things That Are Blue

The rainforest around the Sipaliwini River is home to the blue dart frog. It is one of the most well-known frogs in the world because its body is bright blue and its teeth are sharp and yellow.

Snake Blue Racer

Snake Blue Racer

The blue racer snake is a beautiful snake with bright colours. It can be found from New England to southeast Texas. The body is dark brown or black, and from the head to the tail, there are parallel stripes.

A dark band runs along the nose and belly, which are lighter in colour. This pattern is unique to each snake, but it makes it easy for the parents of young snakes to find them.



The kingfisher is a brightly coloured, medium-sized bird that lives in the tropical parts of Africa, Asia, and Oceania.

Greater Blue-Ear Starling

Greater Blue-Ear Starling

Greater Blue-Ear Starling – It is a common type of bird that lives in open woodlands and breeds in some parts of Africa.

Blue morpho

Blue morpho

Blue morpho: With wings that are five to eight inches long, the blue morpho is one of the biggest butterflies in the world.

Hyacinth macaw

Hyacinth macaw-growinggem.com

It is a parrot that lives in the central and eastern parts of South America.

Blue dart frog

Blue dart frog-growinggem.com

The Dart Frog is a poisonous frog that lives in Central and South America’s tropical areas.

The Humphead wrasse

Blue humphead wrasse

Humphead Wrasse: This is a big type of wrasse that lives mostly on coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific.

Blue damselfly

Blue damselfly-growinggem.com

The Blue Damselfly is a type of insect that is mostly found in Russia, Europe, and South Korea.

The Great Blue Heron

The Great Blue Heron

The Great Blue Heron is a large wading bird that lives near open water and wetland areas in most of North and Central America, the Caribbean, and the Galápagos Islands.

Dasher Blue

Dasher Blue

The Blue Dasher is a dragonfly in the family of skimmer dragonflies. It is quite common and can be found all over North America and the Bahamas.

The blue moor frog

The blue moor frog

Blue Moor Frog: The male can turn blue for two or three days out of the year.

Things that are blue and what we know about them

Blue jays

Cyanocitta cristata is the name given to them by scientists. These are North American birds that eat everything. They are a pale blue colour. They live mostly in forests and usually build their nests on any kind of tree.

Butterfly Blue Morpho

The scientific name for these butterflies is Morpho Menelaus, and most of them can grow up to 20 cm long. They are one of the largest butterfly species in the world. They live in Central and South America where they were born. Even though they can fly, these butterflies spend most of their 115-day lives on the forest floor and in the bushes, even though they can fly.

The Dwarf Gecko of William

This gecko is called Lygodactylus williamsi by scientists. It lives in the Kimboza forest in Tanzania and is 10 cm long. The male is the only one that is blue, and he only lives on trees of the species Pandanus rabaiensis.

Blue iguana

The iguanas that live on Grand Cayman Island are one of the largest iguana species in the world. They are about 1.5 metres long. During their mating season, which lasts from April to June, their colour tends to get darker.

Blue dragon

Glaucus atlanticus is the name of the sea slug that looks like a dragon. It lives mostly in the temperate waters off the coasts of Africa, Australia, and Europe.

Dashers in blue

The dasher is a type of dragonfly in the skimmer family. They eat meat, and they only live for a year. Large numbers of them live in North America and the Bahamas.

Blue poison dart frog

The poison dart frog can live for 8 years, and its metallic colour warns predators and “intruders” that it is dangerous. It lives on the ground and in trees in humid areas that are close to sources of water so that it can breed.

Octopus with blue rings

This oceanic octopus is very flexible, moves quickly, and is very poisonous. It is different from other species of octopus because it is covered in rings. This animal that eats meat is very territorial. It lives in the western Pacific and Indian oceans on shallow rocky reefs.

The Hyacinth Macaws

These amazing colored parrots are the biggest Macaws and the biggest and longest flying parrots of any species.

Fighting fish from Siam

It is also called Betta. It lives in the fresh water of Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia. This fish eats meat and can live for 2–5 years.

By NangeLa

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